Wednesday, October 22, 2008

MUET Speaking Test

Praise God that the MUET Speaking Test earlier this morning went on pretty fine. That's why I'm online at home now. =D Some of my friends are still going through the battle now.

My group was the first to sit for the test today,since I'm the first person in my class' name list and my members are the last few from Clancy...

Felt quite nervous and jittery. And my stomach began to know..the usual butterflies in the stomach phenomenon.Haha.

Anyway the examiners were really lovely people.Not at all intimidating. Well, that helped me relax a lil'. Phew. My individual 2 mins presentation was pretty alright, at least I felt I did okay...hmm..The group presentation was also okay.And this time round, all the group members had equal opportunities to voice out their ideas. Although I have to admit that I felt like I didn't get to talk as much as the previous practices, but this time's discussion was more.........more....balanced,in a sense.

At the end of it, we had two conclusions instead of one. I suppose that's ok right?
Well, hopefully I will be able to achieve my target for MUET.=) Really hoping and praying for the best now.

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